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You roll out BI company-wide. We won't let you forget anything.

Do you want to introduce BI company-wide? Are you facing one of these challenges?

  • A BI tool is already being used in one department and is to be rolled out company-wide

  • For the introduction of BI, the market is to be evaluated for suitable tools

  • BI is to be provided as a self-service tool for the departments

The focus is often on the tool. This is introduced in an IT project. In the end, a BI platform is created, but the path to BI is still long: BI means extracting data into knowledge. With this, management can make fact-based decisions. The successful introduction of BI is therefore a management task. That is Reinhold Luschnitz's firm conviction:

In concrete terms, this means that key figures must be reported in the same way in all departments. Turnover, for example, is always calculated with the net invoice value from accounting on the invoice date. This definition meets a business lead: an organisational role that must be installed. And if a department requests a new dashboard, there is a clearly defined process for this. This example shows that BI implementation is more than an IT project.

Reinhold Luschnitz - many years of experience as a management consultant

Reinhold Luschnitz knows the success factors and stumbling blocks for a company-wide BI rollout. As an implementation consultant, his focus is on concrete action. Others write the concepts. He points out what you are forgetting. He provides support where you lack resources or expertise.

Do you want to speak to Him in person?

Discuss your project via video conference (Google Meets or Microsoft Teams) in a free initial meeting with Reinhold Luschnitz.

In the following, you will learn in detail about the areas of competence that are crucial for a successful BI implementation.

Data quality and data flow

Yes, but! This is how charts are often explained. Master data, e.g. prices, are incorrectly maintained. Manual changes have been made too late and have not been incorporated into the report. In summary: The data quality is unsatisfactory and the existing data flows cannot cover the information needs. Rustically formulated: Shit In. Shit Out.

Reinhold Luschnitz supports you by

  • it analyses the data quality of the raw data. He initiates measures to improve the quality. And he persistently controls and monitors the implementation of these measures.

  • it checks whether users' analysis needs are covered by data flows in the source systems. The data flows are adapted to the analysis needs - not vice versa. He specifies the requirements and coordinates them with the software manufacturer.

Project management

The change management process is subdivided into individual initiatives during the company-wide BI rollout.

IT-specific initiatives can be organised as projects. Unlike classic software implementations, however, a multi-project platform is created first. The final requirements (dashboards, analyses) are unknown at this stage. The platform must therefore be scalable. The user requirements emerge over time and are then handled in individual projects: in parallel and in an agile manner. The risk of this agility and parallelism is application proliferation and historically grown solutions. Organisationally anchored roles (e.g. application lead, data lead) and processes (e.g. handling of change requests) counteract this and ensure structured mutli-project management.

Use your existing project management resources and support them with Reinhold Luschnitz's BI-specific know-how. He supports your project managers with selective expertise and saves them from painful learning experiences.

Reporting and visualisation

Your reporting has different recipients and requirements: Top management wants printed reports to read on the plane. Middle management wants dashboards with daily updated figures. Power users and decision-makers want interactive analyses that allow them to drill down to a line item. Controllers want ad hoc analyses. The company-wide rollout of BI must take these requirements into account holistically. In practice, this is often a tightrope walk between "staying with proven reporting structures" and "modernising reporting".

In addition to a structured reporting system, company-wide notation rules are needed. Decision-makers receive analyses from different people and departments. Information must be visualised in a uniform way so that report recipients can interpret it quickly and unambiguously. Such visualisation rules and best practices are defined in a notation manual, e.g.: Colour rules for current values (ACT), budget values (BUD) and previous year values (PY), display time dimensions as bar charts, display structure dimensions (e.g. customer) as bar charts, etc.

Key figure over time


Indicator by structural dimension (e.g. country)


Take advantage of Reinhold Luschnitz's experience and expertise. His school as a management consultant always lets him look at the "big picture" - specifically at the company-wide reporting requirements. He looks for solutions for this. Or he has already standardised them in the form of a sample notation manual. All you have to do is customise it to your needs.

BI processes and organisation

BI is provided on a technical level as a multi-project platform. Analyses, dashboards and reports are created in individual projects. At the end of the project, these are transferred to regular operation.

Both the multi-project platform and regular operations need clear structures through organisation and processes:

  • Clearly defined roles (e.g. Business Lead, Data Lead, Application Lead) provide structure despite growth. Responsibilities in project mode and in subsequent regular operation are define

  • Processes are standardised: e.g. the submission of new requirements or change requests, the prioritisation of projects, the handling of incidents or the definition of deployment processes and persons responsible.

Processes are often already defined because they are also needed for other IT systems. This can save time and money because the tools for mapping the processes are already in place (e.g. incident reporting). On the other hand, it is a hindrance if BI processes are "crampingly" integrated into existing IT processes: The limitation to a few release dates per year makes sense for an ERP system, but not for adjustments to dashboards - a user does not want to wait weeks to get a new column. In this case, he will not use BI and return to Excel.

Reinhold Luschnitz knows BI in the enterprise environment (e.g. 1000+ users) and thus BI-specific challenges to processes and organisation. Supplement your IT process and organisation know-how with Reinhold Luschnitz's BI-specific expertise and create the basis for successful BI.


The BI tool is often at the centre of the BI implementation.  Each tool has strengths and weaknesses that facilitate or impede the development of certain requirements. These influence individual efforts, but rarely determine the success or failure of the BI introduction.

The tool evaluation should be preceded by a company-wide requirements analysis for BI - the focus is not on the individual dashboard, but on the possible characteristics of analyses and reports (periodicity, interactivity, type of distribution or consumption, etc.).

Reinhold Luschnitz has collected, ordered and standardised the typical requirements for BI from numerous projects in an evaluation checklist. Supplement your requirements with those from the checklist and thus ensure a holistic view. It will not let you forget anything.


BI is a means to an end: extracting the basis for decision-making from data. That means measuring the right key figures. In a manufacturing company, for example, the machine utilisation at bottleneck workstations is relevant. A high utilisation at non-bottleneck workstations only increases the stock of semi-finished goods.

From his many years as a management consultant, Reinhold Luschnitz has the technical and process know-how in industry and commerce. There he brings his expertise as an add-on: he always critically scrutinises key figures for their effectiveness. He is a sparring partner for your managers.